About us

Company was established by Shri Rajendra M Patel, Managing Director of company having more than 30 years’ experience of Manufacturing & Marketing in Pesticides Industries. The company is located at Sanand Dist. Ahmedabad about 25 km from Ahmedabad city with 2000 sq. yard land with good RCC Shed. Company has large formulation plant with fully & semi-automatic equipment to ensure efficient bulk production in a safe and dust free environment of Liquid, Granules, Wettable and dust powder for formulation.

Our entire product manufacturing under proper inspection and checked by well experience staff. All products released by the company are strictly implemented and maintain quality norms checked as per CIB norms, requirement during entire processing.

Company has a 1st class laboratory with latest testing equipments, all our products are tested with latest technology in our laboratory by highly experience senior chemist as per ISI norms.

Company is committed to identify the needs of farmers with well train marketing team and satisfy their needs by providing quality products as well as quality service to customer.

The company has ISO 9001-2008 certified for best Quality Management System.